Effects of LOCK DOWN
We are in the Lockdown for more than a month now and not that I am complaining as this is a once in a life time experience for me sitting in my home on week days and doing nothing or should I say not going to office. I am finding it ok and fine but I think this should not be ok if it’s extended for too long as it has lot of economic implications and will have an adverse effect on the economy which may lead us and our society to lot deeper trouble. And extended lock down will take our county to an economic slowdown which is not so good for us in this economic world were our lives is directly linked to our countries economic prosperity and growth.
Well people are facing problem is getting their daily groceries and other essential items and people are facing restriction in their movement which I guess is not that great for a long time which we all are not so in favor, but we have to do certain thing and behave in an certain way due to lockdown for an larger problem – Corona and I hope this will end soon.
But on the other side most of the people in the lockdown have enough time now to think about their personal self and thing what are their likes and dislikes and people are trying to pursue their hobbies sitting at home trying different things and doing experiments in kitchen and with their craft.
And lots of us are saving lot on money as we are not going for outings and our regular weekend hoteling.